SAUR in space

#OutThere #Socialmedia #NowPlease

SAUR.SPACE is my platform for sharing creativeness and personal achievements. To try and make it a little easier for you and me to connect in general, I am active on ​​Instagram and ​​Twitter

​If you ​wish to contact me, then please do it by email ​- Copy this or click mail icon ​at the pagebottom.​​​​​​

​The website is gonna be in a general contruction mode for a while, so if the site is briefly unavaileble, it will be due to maintainence. Most of the website is in english, due to the fact, that i plan to do business with poeple from outside Denmark - ​You might however stuble upon a page/project written in danish if the content calls for it.

SAUR the artist

​#Creative #Poetry #Photography #Graphics

Since the beginning of my existence I have been creative. I always pursue simplicity within complexity and complexity within simplicity. This makes life a little difficult for me at times, as even the simple seems somewhat complex to me. It also opens up a lot of possibilities when having a creative discussion. Once a goal and direction is clarified, the problems have been encountered in theory, a plan can be made.

For now, this website is rather empty, and not showing all my creations. In good time, you will be able to browse the site for graphicly poetic artwork and services

SAUR the ​patient

​#Psychiatric #Healthcare #Recovery

I am a guy in the 30’ies recovering from mental illness.

I have at no time been involuntarily hospitalized and have never been a danger to my surroundings. (a common issue that needs to be articulated in my experience, as a psychiatric patient)

Some years back I got struck by a truck called psychiatric diagnosis.

This meant that I had to drop whatever I had planned for myself in all aspects of life. Accepting that a regular day became taking pills, waiting for a doctor appointment, sleeping or being very scared, as in.. not scared, more like feared out of place, entering a state of internal paranoid terror and fear in things normally not even noticed when in an alert state.

Along with this internal struggle comes a healthcare system, that requires you to share and obey.

By sharing, I mean that you need to be diagnosed. Obey as in doing what you are told, because you have no idea what else to do in this weird state of mind.

As you can’t measure feelings in inches, you have to answer a lot of questions, then you have to do intelligence test, then answer more questions. Physical tests, then answer more questions. Do blood tests, then answer more questions… Month after month. Even so it is a relief to be in treatment, it is very exhausting. Not only cause of this state of mind, but also because of the drugs they hope is doing you good.

After I got my diagnosis I was forced to live with family for some time, until the healthcare system was able to help me get a spot in a psychiatric home. To simplify a little, I’m not fit to live in full solitude. Sadly, I have had to move around, either a home has been closed, or I was offered a better alternative. The place where my room like apartment is now, reminds me more of a discount mental hospital without doctors. No offense to my neighbors or the hard-working staff, but I wouldn’t meet up there to discuss work.

This also means that I have been without a job for a long time. Been on social welfare that I am very grateful that the Danish society provide. Even I will admit that there are many conditions involved in this. Some of them, not helping me focus on my own problems, but actually adding problems, that in the end is more expensive. Still, I am grateful and as you can see, working on getting somewhere.

I am no longer on medicine. In the process of getting off the medicine, I’ve used online gaming and creative expression and the therapy offered by the healthcare system. Now fully focusing on the creativeness as you can see browsing this website. A website I’ve created on my own.